Graham Sluter

I live and work in Cornwall, UK. I’m fully insured as a complementary therapist.

Graham Sluter profile photo

In the years 2000 to 2003, as a cancer patient I received some free foot reflexology new-patient introductory sessions at St. Catherine’s Hospice in the county of Sussex. Those wonderful reflexology sessions eased my stress, and calmed my anxieties to help me trust and have confidence in my cancer hospital and hospice palliative care teams, as at that time in my life I suffered some horrific neurological post cancer chemotherapy side effects similar to those symptoms of ME, MS and Lupus. I now consider myself as a cancer survivor (not a patient) and I whole heartily believe that I have been helped in my survival by the love and care from my family, friends, medical teams, and especially from my reflexologist tutors and the reflexologist at the Hospice who gave her patients such amazing treatments.

As part of my recovery my Doctors actively encouraged me to find a new occupation and suggested that I looked for charity work for the days when I was well enough to cope with life’s normal activities, and so I considered this an ideal opportunity to re-think my lifestyle and future as I was so amazed by the improvements in both my mental and physical health after each and every reflexology treatment that I decided to study reflexology and being a determined sort of person I also felt the need to get some professional reflexology qualifications.

I completed my UK training for hand and foot reflexology at Philip Salmon’s School of Reflexology in London England by Anna Jeoffroy who was my original reflexology tutor alongside Philip Salmon during the academic year 2001 – 2002. I found this course especially interesting because of the way the tutors introduced their students to the principles of vibrational energy as well as reflexology. Whilst studying foot reflexology I soon realised that I could also practice reflexology on my own hands and so I diligently pursued this knowledge in my full belief that I was changing my own energy life force patterns and was on a good path to recovery and better health.

Reflexology gives the best results when the Reflexologist works with dedication, patience, focused intention and loving care. I was a full member of the Association of Reflexologists from 2004 to 2017. Whilst being an AoR member for my continued professional development [CPD] study requirements, I choose to learn the Sorensensistem™ TCM (Traditional Chinese Method) of Reflex Therapies for Face, Foot & Hands and to my benefit this also included lots of reflexology self-help for on my own face, feet and hands which unquestionably helped me onto a good path to recovery and better health.

Benefits of Holistic Reflexology

Reflexology may often help stimulate creativity and productivity. Each session of reflexology provides the quiet time so necessary to let new ideas gestate, allowing mental energy to be more creative and productive. Reflexology nurtures relationships. When you feel good others respond. Feeling good is contagious and can change the atmosphere of your work place or home with your colleagues, family and friends.

My complementary therapy career history:


I was a Volunteer Comforting Therapist providing reflexology treatments to In-Patients, Day-Care Patients, Patient’s families and Staff at St. Catherine’s Hospice, Sussex.


I qualified in Facial Reflexologist Sorensensistem™


I qualified in Holistic Massage (ITEC level 3 diploma) at Truro College, Cornwall.
I qualified in Sorensensistem™ Intestinal Links for Facial, Foot and Hand Reflexology with Lone Sorensen

2007 – 2015:

I worked as an independent complementary therapist at Hotel Tresanton providing guests with Sorensensistem™ Facial and Foot Reflex Therapy treatments and Holistic / Swedish Massage.

2008 – 2016:

I worked as an independent Complementary Therapist at Cornwall’s Merlin MS Therapy Centre where I had the opportunities to work with Multiple Sclerosis clients and their carers.

My reflexology practical experience often encompasses working with people who have life changing and challenging illnesses as I have had the experience of working as a reflexologist and comforting therapist at a hospice, and here in Cornwall I have gained much practical experience working with Multiple Sclerosis clients. Sorensensistem™ Reflex Therapies provide therapists with some excellent self-help techniques for their clients and also themselves.


I qualified in Sorensensistem™ Japanese Cosmo Lifting

This is a natural, non-surgical, face-lifting beauty treatment


I qualified in Sorensensistem™ Temprana Reflex Therapy in Barcelona, Spain.

Lone Sorensen’s most advanced reflex therapy course for brain injuries and neurological rehabilitation for conditions such as MS, Parkinson’s, autoimmune illnesses and cancer. I studied this qualification at The International Institute of Reflex Therapy Lone Sorensen in Barcelona with Lone Sorensen the world famous specialist neurological Reflexologist as my tutor, advisor and mentor


I qualified in Sorensensistem™ TCM [Traditional Chinese Method] Foot Reflexology in Barcelona, Spain.

This was an amazingly detailed and complete reflexology course, which for me was a brilliant way to refresh and update my reflexology skills. The course also included neurological and sports type methods of foot reflexology.


I qualified in Gentle Muscle Release Technique GMR
I participated in a GRM Academy introductory workshop for “Lymphatic Drainage

Taught by Peter C K Smith RSHom FSHom Registered Homeopath
Jin Shin Jyutsu Practitioner
Director: The Gentle Muscle Release Academy

Peter died in 2022 so I do not advertise this individual GMR therapy that Peter personally taught me. However, I do use some of these excellent gentle muscle releasing techniques within my whole-body holistic massage treatments.


In 2019 I officially closed my accounts and therapy practice at the start of the Covid pandemic.

Once the pandemic had ended, I decided to use my therapy knowledge and skills to support a non-profit charity – My future journey now is to support Mandown in Cornwall:

Listed below are some kind comments written to me from my clients about my reflexology and massage work:

Combination Facial & Foot Reflex Therapy

“Dear Graham, My husband, the ultimate sceptic “I’m not wasting my time and money on that rubbish” has now become your greatest fan. You Graham have made such a difference to our lives. He now has sensation in his feet and hands, has lost the tremble and his memory has improved no end. In fact his mobility and general well being has changed beyond recognition. He sleeps so much better, not so many involuntary movements or visits to the bathroom. This of course has made my life so much better as I get more sleep. We cannot thank you enough and look forward to continuing this interesting journey with you well into the future.”

The following hand written note to me was given with permission from my Clients at Merlin MS Centre for publication. This Client also commented on many occasions that his “depth of feelings” have returned after each treatment.

“Having tried many facials over the years I’ve given up on them. I discovered Graham during a visit to Tresanton several years ago. His treatment is unique; my skin is energized and uplifted in a totally natural way. I sleep better post treatment and we return yearly and the two treatments I have during a five-day stay are always glorious.
I wish I could clone him and take him home”!

From Mrs C H written in June 2018 on Tresanton headed notepaper. Mrs C H agreed that I might use her recommendation in my therapy work for my Sorensensistem™ 90-minute combination therapy treatment.

Facial Reflexology

What a revelation, from “tired and wired” to floating and tranquil; thank you so much Graham for returning me to a state of normality and tranquility. I look forward to our next meeting.

Mrs. V

Graham – thank you so much relaxing, invigorating. I look and feel awake and alive and I really do look “10” years younger.

Mrs. B

Dear Graham, I can’t normally “let go” and the facial reflexology was my first ever treatment. I had a blissful hour and will suggest to anyone who wants to relax with an unobtrusive treatment that makes you feel 10 years younger!

Mrs. F


Hi Graham – just to let you know that yesterday’s treatment was very successful – first time in months that I have woken up in the morning without aching and although my knee is still painful, it is less stiff. I have more energy although I think there is more to do in this area. I will contact you again.

Mr. D

2019 – My friend Graham Sluter, who is a “super-duper black belt Reflexologist” and I were just talking about Change: He said Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher, has been quoted as saying “change is the only constant in life.”

Peter C K Smith RSHom FSHom Registered Homeopath
Jin Shin Jyutsu Practitioner


June 2006 – massage your warm hands taking away the stress and strains of a day on a building site. Bliss. Yep, I would recommend it to all here.
May any uncertain people lose their doubts and trust this lovely man.


Graham’s massage was by far the best ever massage I’ve had. I felt much benefit.


Graham thank you so much, a wonderful massage that left me feeling refreshed. My hands and calves felt free from knots, and the face massage was simply amazing. All I can say is wow!


Graham – professional masseur, reflexologist, confidant and friend. What a great stroke of luck caused our paths to cross a few years ago. Your encouragement friendship has been a great blessing long may it continue.


Graham – as a full time carer for a partner with dementia I am always tense. Your massage has worked wonders and left me feeling more relaxed than I have for years. I only wish that we lived nearer so I could enjoy the treatment more often.


Graham – amazing massage yesterday
All stresses gone, neck and shoulder pains have vanished as well. Fantastic.
